Mr RobotTM

You can earn royalties on software and programs that work with the products we carry.

Some Posiblities:
* You retain ownership of your software.
* We get exclusive rights to sell your program.
* Double your royalties by using it for product purchases
* Maybe even become a famous software author!

All you do is let us know you would like to submit a program for consideration. If we think it has marketability, we will evaluate the actual program and, upon acceptance, send you a royalty agreement.

If you already have something done or would like an idea to work on, e-mail us!

Some of the software we think could sell:

Software that uses a Mekatronix brand microcontroller to control a robot system. You can develop your own robot system or better yet, develop software for the TJ Pro or Talrik.

Software & LED that uses a Mekatronix brand microcontroller to form a PC independant programming platform.
This a very general project.

Software that comunicates back and forth between a Mekatronix brand microcontroller and the internet, an RC remote or something else. Start over at the Mr Robot main page

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